Saturday, June 18, 2016

Why I Write

If you have been reading my blog posts first off, thank you. I write them for myself but want them to be read. Second, you might be thinking that I am somewhat of an extrovert., expressing my opinions
and feelings freely to all around me. Right about here Stephanie is probably snickering a little at that thought because she knows me best and an extrovert I most certainly am not.

I would not necessarily say that I am an introvert either. I would describe myself as a "social introvert" which I would define as someone comfortable in social situations, even happy, who keeps relationships fairly shallow and totally uncomfortable sharing deeper thoughts and feelings. The social introvert nut can be cracked but it takes work. A lot of work. That's what differentiates the  "SI" that hard shell. I mean most people play some cards close to the chest (to mix my metaphors) but their shells are peanuts in comparison.

So what's changed I ask myself and can come up with no definitive answer. Maybe it's a change in my brain, (which can happen with ALS) I know that unmedicated I have a raging  pseudo bulbar affect.  Maybe it is just the realization that my time is short, maybe I just don't care about whatever put the shell there in the first place. Whatever it is it is not just the blog,  I do it with friends too. I have had friends say how much they like talking to the "ALS Kevin". I kind of like it too. It might get me in trouble but hasn't so far. I rarely say anything mean and people appreciate honesty or kind words, I certainly do. Opening up this way is very liberating.

As  you can imagine I find myself having a lot of time to think. I can't really know what goes on inside other people's heads but I think mine is exceptionally noisy. Ideas just ebb and flow all day. Maybe I am a bit nuts but sometimes I wake up at night and am amazed by the quiet, it having been so noisy inside my head (I often wonder if I am unique in that, I imagine not).  The ideas float away almost as easily, I have to work to compose the good ones  before they're gone.

I have always found ways to channel all this creative energy.  As a child like many I created detailed fantasy worlds spending many a summer day engrossed by my creation.  As an adult I channeled my energy into my work with computers, building complex systems of software and hardware is a surprisingly creative endeavor. There are complicated rules and relationships you need to understand and getting what you want done often requires a significant creative effort. After many years I grew a little bored, by the end of my career I was looking for something new. It seems to have found me.

I write about what I am going through because it is not just my day to day it's my hour to hour. I don't really get sad about it anymore unless something exceptional happens like my arms almost completely failing as happened recently. My good friend Mark said I should write a book about my experiences. I takes a lot to write as much as I am so I'm not sure I can. Maybe I will give it a go, we'll see what tomorrow brings.

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